Protecting Children in the 21st Century
Holy Angels parish is committed to providing a safe environment for minors in the parish and the safe-environment program is an important part of our service to one another, to families, and to our community. We participate in an Archdiocesan program that requires that everyone who works, volunteers, or associates with minors through parish activities complete the VIRTUS training and protocol sessions and stay current with training updates.
If you’re a new volunteer, please contact Sara Steinlage ( 913-745-6294) to be scheduled for the training.
How to Report an Incident of Abuse of a Minor
The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas remains committed to investigating any allegation of abuse of a minor made against any member of the clergy or any church employee or volunteer — no matter the age of the incident or the current age of the victim.
Individuals are encouraged to call the confidential report line at (913) 647-3051 (or visit to make a report to Jan Saylor, archdiocesan report investigator, and to call law enforcement directly.
If a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, call 911.